

Most Generous of Humans!

Kodama Giving Tier:

  • Kim Witte

Winged Sprites Giving Tier:

  • Ashley McDarison

The Nymphs Giving Tier:

  • Michael Joers

  • Karl Rivers

Dragon Blood Giving Tier:

  • Derrek McCrank

Accursed Infernal Giving Tier:

  • Skylar Gabel Eissens

Celestial Kinsfolk Giving Tier:

  • Kerry Kerros


Our Patrons on Patreon!

Like anything worth doing, nothing comes for free, without risk, or without support. I firmly believe that no one gets anywhere alone. What started as an idea and a passion has grown into an artistic network and bonafide business thanks to this group. Art needs materials, materials cost money, and ideas are not tangible.

This group continues to fund clays, glazes, metals, pouring fees, linoleum blocks, inks, and beyond. You can even thank them for this website.

I am grateful to anyone that so much as browses at my work, because any bit of interest in what I do means the world to me. Patrons, however, have shown me a kind of dedication that fills my heart and then some. They are unfathomably beautiful humans.

If you’re curious about joining the ranks of the passionate, more information can be found here below. Did I mention that Patrons also get they’re own exclusive posts?